Miracles through Mind: Importance of One Incident

Incident 1: For one year, a girl did not get the grades that she had expected. Because of this, she became very sad and decided to drop out of college and leave her education completely.

Incident 2: Since childhood, a son listened to every word of his father and never went against his father’s wishes. The father had chosen a girl for the son. But the son had fallen in love with another girl and decided to get married to the girl he loved. Because of this, the father broke off the relationship with the son on the day of his marriage.

Incident 3: Someone insulted a man in the office. Due to not being able to bear the insult, the man decided to resign that day and sit at home forever after that day.

You must have seen, heard, or come to know about someone whose life was altered because of just one incident that happened in their lives.

If you have gone through or going through such an incident, then think about life from a different angle. Life is made up of numerous incidents and events! Do you really think that it is a good idea to give importance of the whole life to just one event?

Suppose the average life expectancy of a human being is of 60 years. And suppose that 1200 events take place in one person’s life. Then is it a good thing to give importance of those 1200 events to just one event? Of course not! The importance of one event is just that it is one small event out of many good and bad events. It is just a part of life, not the whole life.

Let one incident in our life be one of the incidents. Let’s not occupy our minds by giving importance of our entire life to just that incident!

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