
More about sj GuruShree Divine Healer Life Director

One-to-one Sessions

Prana Mission Foundation


We all are connected with everyone. It's just that the joining cable has not been activated.

Healing through Pancha Mahabhutas

Pancha mahabhutas are the five fundamental elements in the cosmic creation & everything in nature is made of these mahabhutas. These elements are Prithvi (earth), Jala (water), Agni(fire), Vayu (wind), and Aakasha (space). These Panchmahabhuta’s embody every part of the Universe, including humans. Each of us have a unique constitution of these elements & any imbalance in the constitution may result in dis-ease. Healing through Pancha mahabhutas is healing through the medium of these elements of nature. It is a divine mode of therapy. It is the safest, non-invasive, and most effective form of holistic therapy made available to us through nature. This exceptional legacy of healing is bestowed ONLY to GuruShree. He can substantially heal all living beings, including plants, trees, animals, and birds present on this planet.

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sj's Fueling Destinies

sj’s FUELING DESTINIES is a YouTube channel started as a global movement to create awareness concerning ONE’S LIFE PURPOSE hence the name Fueling Destinies! The videos consist of 2-15 min short video clips in which GuruShree sj delivers explanations to some crucial questions from day-to-day life. Every week, a new video is posted on the channel encompassing a selection of worldly topics like universal laws, traditions, relationships, career, education, business, etc. Every seeker on the quest to find their life purpose encounters challenges along the way, and here, they can get guidance from GuruShree sj through the YouTube channel. In short, “Fueling Destinies” is a one-stop solution for all queries that provide seekers with authentic answers

मी गेली ४० वर्षं संगीताच्या क्षेत्रात आहे. मी गायिका आहे, प्राध्यापिका आहे, लेखिका आहे. अनेकजणं मला ओळखतात. बरंच काम माझं व्हायचं बाकी आहे. काही काम केलेलं आहे याची जाणीव आहे. पण मला एक focus हवा होता आणि माझ्या कार्याला योग्य दिशा हवी होती. आणि या शोधात असताना शिरीष मामाने माझी गुरूश्रींशी ओळख करुन दिली. आणि पहिल्या पाच मिनिटांच्या भेटीतच मला अनेक प्रश्नांची उत्तरं मिळाली. माझ्या आयुष्यात ज्या घटना घडत आहेत त्या का घडत आहेत याचं मला उत्तर मिळालं- अमुक गोष्टी का होत आहेत, काही गोष्टी facilitate होत आहेत, काही गोष्टींमध्ये विरोध होतो आहे या सगळ्याच्या मागे काहीतरी निश्चित एक योजना आहे destiny ची, असं मला जाणवलं. आणि त्यानंतर मी ‘मा फलेषु कदाचन’ हे दिवसभराचं एक सेशन केलं आणि आता मी पुण्यात ‘Purpose of Life’ चं दोन दिवसाचं सेशन केलं. यातून मला खूप उत्तरं मिळाली आहेत. गुरूश्री तेव्हा जे जे सांगत होते, ते फक्त मी tick mark करत होते, की हो, हे माझ्या बाबतीत झालंय, हे ही माझ्या बाबतीत झालंय.
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Mrudula Dadhe Singer

GuruShree showed me my true self- I am born to be a businessman, and I am capable of doing great for this universe. He made me realize that the universe has given me tremendous responsibility for the hospitality of the whole world. I attended the Inner Calling Sampoorna retreat and heard my inner voice telling me the same, which only solidified my understanding of my mission for this life, my life purpose. My personal and professional goals have expanded, and I have full confidence that I will achieve these dreams because I am walking this journey under GuruShree's guidance. He makes sure that I come in contact with the right people at the right time. He sends me hints that tell me what to do next.
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Siddharth Chandekar Aspiring Entrepreneur

गुरूश्रींची पहिली प्रत्यक्ष भेट… एक अतिशय जाणवणारी गोष्ट म्हणजे Pin Point Solution Session (PPSS) चा reminder येण्याआधी, session ची तारीख लक्षात नसेल तरी आत जाणवतं की पुढच्या २/३ दिवसांत गुरूश्रींची भेट होणार आहे. Mobile ची battery संपत येते तशी अवस्था होते. Session झालं की पुन्हा battery full पुढच्या कामांसाठी. आज जवळ जवळ दीड वर्षापेक्षा जास्त मी PPSS करत आहे. गुरूश्रींनी केलेल्या मार्गदर्शनाचा फायदा रोज होत आहे. अजून खूप लांब जायचं आहे असं वाटतं. आणि हा प्रवास छान असेल असा confidence ही वाटतो.
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Dhanashree Dandekar Teacher

When I look back and scroll through my memory lane past the last 8 months, I have to pinch myself as whatever events have happened in my life have been the result of my interaction, connection, and guidance from GuruShree. GuruShree has been instrumental in bringing about positive changes in my life, personality, and thought process. The result is undeniable, fascinating, and sometimes jaw-dropping. I came in contact with GuruShree through Shirish kaka, and it was the best thing to happen in my life.
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Aniket Datar CEO, Datar Electrical Services

Shri. Shantanu Sir treated me with his healing powers and completely cured me from chronic Urticaria. I feel very proud to say that 100% recovery is done exclusively by sj’s healing powers and not by any medicines as I had stopped all my medications during his healing course.
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Madhura Date

I met Shantanu sir three years back, and today I can say that Shantanu sir has changed my life 360 degrees from what it was three years back. Just before meeting sir, I was going through a lot of problems on all fronts. I was at a point where I had lost all hope. Through PPSS, he took me to the root cause of many problems I faced. When I started following the things he told me, from the very next day, I started to see a positive change in my life.
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Yash Deshmukh

I had a problem of high blood pressure since the last 25 years.. When I started with healing through water for my Blood pressure, after 25 years, because of sj Sir I won the battle against the High Blood Pressure and I have immense faith in sj sir’s healings powers because of which I completely stopped taking medicines and now I am leading a healthy life.
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Sharmila Deshmukh

Healing through water helped me to release many toxic thoughts and feelings which had accumulated for years and I was not even aware of them. Since then, I have experienced a total transformation in all areas of my life. Career-wise I am in a comfortable spot like never. The most important thing is I have become a much happier version of myself..
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Shruti Pande

I have grown to be a more sensitized, compassionate, forgiving individual - living more mindfully & meaningfully after meeting and taking guidance from sj Sir. The magic of his countenance is oceanic, guiding me to my eternal awakening. At the summit, I soulfully offer my garland of poetic drape; “HE DEEPENED MY ROOTS & STRENGTHENED MY SOUL, HE LIGHTENED MY PATH WITH METANOIA & MORE, THIS EMBRACE BY MY GRACE SHOWN MY INNER LIGHT, TRANSFORMING MY SPARKLE OF STARDUST SHINE IN SHIMMERING TWILIGHT.”
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Kavita Gathani

Sri. Shantanu Joshi has the ability to make you feel at ease and comfortable in the first few minutes, and I found I could easily open up and share my thoughts with him. He is very quick to understand your issues and, in his calm & composed manner, offers a solution that is plausible and effective. I noticed the impact of his understanding and caring nature. He comes across as someone from your team – who is always ready to help
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Makrand Vernekar

सर के द्वारा charged प्रोडक्ट्स जैसे "Sensitized water", "Charged dhoopstick" और "Charged Salt" से मुझे बहुत मदद मिली हैं। मेरी बेटियां तो Exam से पहले Charged Water स्प्रे करती हैं। हम लोगो का जब कभी मन उदास होता हैं या किसी प्रकार की negativity महसुस होती हैं तो हम नहाने के पानी में charged salt डालकर ही नहाते हैं। हमारा मन शांत हो जाता हैं। इसी प्रकार धुप स्टिक जलाने से पाजिटिविटी आती हैं और मन प्रसन्न होता हैं। सर मेरे लिए भगवन हैं, जब भी मुझे कोई प्रॉब्लम होती हैं में सर को याद करती हूँ।
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Jagruti Khare

2019 साली माझ्या भाचीची 2 वर्षांची मुलगी अचानक गंभीर आजारी पडली. लाखात एखाद्याला होतो असा आजार तिला झाला होता. तेव्हा सरांच्या हिलिंगमुळे ती अक्षरशः मृत्यूच्या दारातून परत आली.आपल्याला कुठलीही समस्या असो ती सरांकडे गेल्यावर सुटली नाही असे झालेच नाही. सरांचे वैशिष्ट्य म्हणजे ते आपल्याला अंधारात ठेवत नाहीत, पण घाबरवतही नाहीत . आपल्याला आपले प्रश्न सोडवायला शक्ति व आशिर्वाद देतात. कितीही वेळा एकच प्रश्न विचाराला तरी अजिबात न रागावता उत्तर देतात , उत्तर बदलत नाही. मी स्वभावाने अतिशय भित्री आहे पण सरांमुळे माझा भित्रेपणा कमी झाला आहे. आपल्या बरोबर सर आहेत ही जाणीवच मला 10 हत्तींचे बळ देते
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Vaijayanti Behere (Senior citizen)

Sj sir taught me to love every small part of nature, including myself. This turned my life by 360 degrees. The day I fell in love with myself, my relationships improved. My peers, teachers, relatives, and especially young children (my students and cousins) connected to me on a different level. This lesson of ‘self-love’ elevated my life. Sir connected me with myself. This gave me and gives me miraculous results on all fronts. I owe my life, my happiness, and my everything to him. Without him, I am nothing.
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Srujana Acharya (Student pursuing Ph.D at USA)

Though I was equipped with better experience and knowledge over the years, I experienced a sudden dip in my career. Earning reduced. Savings exhausted. I had no option but to keep borrowing from friends and relatives. It had reached a hopeless stage. That is when I met sj sir. Miraculously, things started working out positively. I started seeing success in whatever I took in my hands. New opportunities with grand success were seen happening. Money flowed. My outlook towards professional success changed once I knew the life purpose.
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Shirish Mulekar

In programs, webinars I attended, sir explained in detail how to know what your child is naturally good at and how to create a favorable atmosphere that will help the child to make progress towards their life purpose. This really helped us to take the right steps. It’s an unparalleled joy to see the happiness on your child’s face while he is doing what he chooses and not what we plan for him. Ever since we started healing for our son, Be it a weather change, any infection, it gets cured in no time, and this is a big relief to us as parents. Healing also acts as a protection to the child.
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Amruta Joshi

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