Food with Saliva is Food for Body

Have you struggled with losing weight ever? This blog will explain an easy practice that will support you to maintain your weight.

Our body can utilize only the food that is thoroughly mixed with our saliva to produce the required energy. The rest of the food gets stored as fats. Think about the times when you eat food. Most often, we eat in a hurry. Hence, you consume your food with only half the amount of saliva mixed from what is required. For example, if you eat four rotis, then only two of them are properly mixed with saliva. So the body can utilize only two rotis to produce energy, and the remaining two rotis get transformed into fats.

So, here are two master keys for you. Every time you are about to swallow your bite, consciously chew it five more times. And, before taking another bite, make sure that you have swallowed the first one completely. Practicing these two keys might be difficult for you at first. But if health is your priority, please practice them consciously and persistently for some days. You will find yourself getting habitual to these practices. After a few days, you will observe a reduction in the amount of food you need to feel full. Remember, the more your bite is mixed with your saliva, the easier it is for your body to digest it.

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