About GuruShree

Early Years

GuruShree, is a contemporary guru based in Pune, Maharashtra, India. From a tender age, he started having visions and spiritual experiences that made him realize that he was different from his peers. The distinct attribute being, he has soul consciousness from day one. A deep-rooted knowing that we all beings are inter-connected to infinite source, made him serve everyone with the same love and respect. Be it a stray dog, tree, bird, or a human, he would honor everyone with the same dignity and continues to do so. As a sensitive child, he was extremely moved by the troubles of the people around him and was perplexed with the nature of misery. What is the reason behind sorrow in life? Is happiness just a myth? What is the purpose of every life on this earth? Is there a way out of this misery? What knowledge, if known, will free the people from their troubles and give them permanent happiness in all areas of their life like health, wealth, relationships, and so on? He received the answers to these questions and more in his meditations with divine grace. Over the years, he came to know about his nature-given gifts. Due to his extraordinary abilities, he sometimes had to face the music from the people around who failed to recognize his excellence.

Other Interests

During his early years, he dabbled in various art forms such as singing, and Shayari. Later he actualized his interest in directing plays for theatre and featured in few movies too. He never shied away from hard work and became self-sufficient at a remarkably young age. He is also a Karate black belt champion. Along the way, he gathered valuable work experience ranging from sales and marketing to being a successful entrepreneur.


Although he was a full-time working professional, people continued to come to him to seek guidance concerning their problems. He used to provide solutions and simultaneously heal them. This made them instantly feel relaxed and peaceful in his presence as he was always in the ‘giver’ mode. It was only after a series of divinely guided events that he resigned his well-paying corporate job to fully devote full time and energy to his higher calling, officially in the form of ‘Fog Lamp Mission Sessions’. His journey so far in his own words is ‘divinely inspiring’ and ‘showering with experiences’.

Present day

GuruShree is a Transformist, a  life purpose strategist and a human behavioral scientist. Today, a lot of people who suffer from various mental, physical, and emotional discomforts or hardships, seek GuruShree’s guidance and healing. The cause of the discomfort be it any, career-related, personal, financial worries, parenting, or anything under the sun, he guides all by offering solutions specific to their nature and needs in Pin-Point Solution sessions. These sessions are regarded as highly confidential. His capacity for patient listening and confidentiality is what makes these sessions exceptional.

The significant part is his calendar is pre-booked at least a year in advance!

When your prayers turn into cries for help, it is then that you encounter him. The key here is the yearning to seek help which makes the rendezvous possible. Perhaps that is why the encounter is so precious! The solutions provided by him are a blessing indeed which has helped numerous people to solve their issues and achieve clarity on/in life. His ultimate vision is to bestow peace to anyone who comes to him for help. He is a living example of “सर्व लोका शांती व्हाया, कर्म ऐसे भोगूया” (‘Sarva loka shanti vhaya, karma aise bhoguya’)

GuruShree is self initiated, a rare stellar divine quality. Meditation and the study of human behavioral science are his primary source of knowledge and wisdom. To restate him, the purpose of his work is “the calling down of the Supreme Light (Paramatman).”