What is a businessperson’s mindset?
Have you wondered about a businessperson’s mind? You will be surprised to know this, but their primary thought is ‘dissatisfaction’! Dissatisfaction with the current resources, the degree of freedom or local conditions. What does this mean?
First, dissatisfaction with the current resources. In this case, people think, “If I am getting an ‘x’ salary from my company, it means the company must be earning more money. If they earn so much money because I work there, shouldn’t I get that much money, too?” This thought leads them towards business and the important thing is that they are ready to pay the cost of their decision, too! This cost could be thinking about their work 24 by 7 or managing a business and job together for a few months.
Second, dissatisfaction with the degree of freedom. Suppose a person has been working for 40 years, but if he wants to spend some time with his family, he has to apply for a leave and get his boss’s approval. If the boss doesn’t approve his leave, he starts thinking, “Should I not have some freedom about my work? Can’t I get some time to pursue my hobbies?” Dissatisfaction comes from “I want this, but I can’t get it!” Again, the important thing is that they are ready to pay the necessary cost to get the freedom they want.
Third, dissatisfaction with the local conditions. For example, there is heavy traffic and a person can’t get a rickshaw to travel. “I must get a rickshaw when I want.” This feeling led to the creation of the app, which you can now use to book a rickshaw. When you are dissatisfied with the conditions you are locally facing and are ready to pay the cost to find solutions for those conditions, you are developing a businessperson’s mindset!
If you plan to start a business, just check with yourself – “Do I adjust to the thing that is bothering me or do I find a solution?” Check how you react to the dissatisfaction. Do you take it casually? Or do you find a solution because you can’t tolerate it? If you try to find a solution and are ready to pay the costs associated with getting that solution implemented as well, then you are developing the mindset of a businessperson for sure!
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